If you’re looking for a small, fun and friendly Pilates class in the heart of Chislehurst, you’ve come to the right place! My name is Michelle Ellwood and I’m a Body Control Pilates teacher and owner of Pilates Body Lab. Teaching Pilates is a very rewarding job and I love what I do! I focus on teaching good movement skills and building strength from the inside out. Your body will benefit in so many ways through the development of core strength, flexibility, longer leaner muscles, better balance, improved posture and greater body awareness. Classes, with a maximum of 12, ranging from beginners to intermediate, provide the right level of challenge whilst allowing me to keep a close eye on everyone individually and correct and adapt exercises as needed.

If you’re thinking about starting Pilates with Pilates Body Lab, please do get in touch, I would be happy to chat through any questions you might have and advise on which class might be best for you!

Thanks for stopping by!

Best wishes





Matwork Level 3
Intermediate Level matwork qualification